Monday, November 10, 2008

Teacher's edition text books

For next semester... I am taking on two classes.
1. Honors World History
2. U.S. History

I'll have two sections of each, and I was given books by the teachers I'll be working with. For the U.S. history course, I was given the teacher's edition which is about the size of Alaska. I am amazed at what is inside this thing! I guess from a lot of the books that were teacher's editions that I've been able to look at - I drew the idea that there wasn't any information inside that would be helpful. However, inside they've got a 'pacing guide' with activities that have been "Teacher Tested" and then lists the teacher and the location as well as the instructions on what you're supposed to do. How helpful is that? They also have different activities laced throughout...some specifically for normal scheduling and some for block periods. Not all of these things are ideas that I would use, but some of them are outstanding. Reading through the different activities has also helped me get my head around block scheduling a little more.

Above all, there is one thing in this that I love more than anything. They have, every chapter or so, a list of books for the teacher. What an easy way to find a book that will help deepen OUR knowledge of whatever subject we're teaching about.

So far, that is my only revelation of the day...although I'm sure that there will be more soon :)

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