Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Better now than before : )

I've had an entire day to think about my morning issue, and I've come to the following conclusions:

1. I should have remembered that there was a possibility of having a deaf student in my class
2. It wasn't my fault this time, and I can improve
3. Next time I teach in that class, I'll make sure I have her notes filled out so she can just "listen"
4. I need to stop beating on myself, and thinking about this like I have been all day
5. Today threw me a curve ball, and although it sucked, and I was frustrated and embarrassed this morning, I did learn a lot. There are a lot of things I can be learning while I am working in the schools right now - AND THAT IS WHY WE'RE THERE to learn.

That said. Perhaps I'll feel better in the morning. I wish I knew sign language myself. Maybe I'll work on that.

So, we don't have to keep this for class anymore, but I've decided that I'm going to keep up with it. I really have felt like it is helping, and making me think about WHY I am doing things and how they'll help my students. Now that it doesn't apply just to HIST 477/492 I'll be able to share things from my other experiences from my other education classes and my future teaching endeavors.

Boom. I'm enjoying the path and career that I've chosen : )

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