Monday, September 15, 2008

Class today and other things I wish to write and think about...

Well. I enjoyed today's class. We talked about Writing History and everyone seemed to like it. We all thought it was useful, and could be used in our classrooms - or to help our students in the future. I'm really glad that I got to read that book before my capstone ~ I think it will help a lot. Having the opportunity to talk about those uses in class with my peers was nice though.

We also did some more reading strategies which I liked. We looked at immigration pictures, listened to a story, and read several articles to be able to to a B-K-W-L-Q and a write to learn activity. Both were successful and useful.

I am sick. So, I am tired and don't remember as much as I want to, but more later hopefully...when I'm up to it.

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