Monday, January 5, 2009

Day One... :)

I survived!

After a minor altercation at the gate to get on base - I made it to school. I got to meet and "re" meet a lot of the staff and get comfortable in my new surroundings. I handed over the CSU packet to my cooperating teachers and worked on some unit stuff.

I don't get keys which is OK, and I now have a badge that should allow me to get on base without having to call the school every morning (but wouldn't THAT be fun??!).

I'm really excited. A lot of my nerves have fallen off from last night to tonight. I'm thankful that we have several days without students as it is giving me a lot of time to plan and process which is really nice...but at the same time I'm rearing to go.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow...and all the other tomorrows.

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